Thursday, August 4, 2011

Juicing, Fruits and Vegetables For My Meals

Ok, for 10 days I had nothing but fruits and vegetables for my meals. The difference was, I was juicing and had absolutely no caffeine. I did this instead of eating and it really wasn't that hard to do. The reason I did this is simple, I wanted to see if it worked and it did. I felt better my blood pressure and sugar levels both dropped. My complexion even looked to be better. I started this because a video I watched was called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and the information I found at the Gerson Institute ( ), was pretty amazing and it made more sense than talking with my Doctor. Oh and by the way only about 4 % of the doctors out there were tough nutrition in Medical School. I tried it and I lost 15 pounds and I've decided to continue juicing regularly in stead of eating. pretty much I will eat healthy food but I will supplement my food intake with fruits and vegetables juiced. Here is an example what a meal was for me while juicing.

6 to 7 carrots
3 apples
2 large oranges
1 squash
1/2 cucumber
1 sweet potato
small piece of ginger to taste

The taste reminds me of a V8 Splash. Its really not that bad, however you have the experiment with your taste and some blends will taste worse than dirt. Here is the best remedy for that, add 2 to 3 apples it solves that problem. In 10 days you will find out what you like but you must constantly try new recopies. Go online to fine some, like I did at or , just look online and you can find some great ideas for juicing.

This is a picture of the juicer I use from Jack Lalanne, It's less than $100 dollars and it does a pretty good job for starting a juicing regiment.

have fun juicing and Live to Live...