Monday, December 10, 2012

Rock Stacking In Galveston Texas

We went on a four day trip to Galveston Texas just to get away and as we were driving along the beach we started to see rock stack along this rock wall on the beach so we stopped. for what I understand stacking rocks have many different meanings such as success, happiness, health, marking trails for hikers. but below are 2 opinions and who really know all the truth on rock stacking. I have spent an hour looking and reading about rock stacking. personally I'll call it art however with anything that has folklore attached to it with multiple races attached to it in one form or another must also have some truth to it. It you know the truth it would be cool to know. So here are some photos of the rocks stack at the beach in Galveston Texas and if your ever there stack some. and in between well be to different meanings. enjoy.

First Possible Answer:

The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that the worship of sacred stones constituted one of the most general and ancient forms of religion, but among no other people was this worship so important as among the Semites.

Sacred stones are mentioned with great frequency in the Old Testament. In Genesis 12:8, Abraham had pitched his tent to the east of Bethel and built an altar of rocks. Later, his grandson Jacob slept in a certain place and dreamed of a ladder going up to heaven then he named that place Bethel. Jacob used a rock for a pillow and after waking stacked it on a stone pillar and poured oil on it.

It has long been known that there was a West Semitic deity named Bethel, associated with the veneration of sacred stones. The Catholic scholar Bruce Vawter says that Genesis 31:13 should be read as "I am the god Bethel" ('El Bet'el). although it is commonly translated (incorrectly) as "'I am the god of Bethel". So, stacking rocks has a spiritual meaning associated with the Semitic worship of sacred stones and, in many cases, with the god Bethel.


Second Possible Answer:

Rocks are about time, a record of the planet's geological history, of forces deep within the earth thrusting up, cooling, shattering, eroding. The slowness of the metamorphosis relative to brief human life has made rocks symbols of strength, solidity, and permanence. All human endeavor rests on stone; even when we break away to sail or fly, we soon return to bedrock. Stone has been used by artists and artisans who value permanence. Yet it also has properties that make it suitable for temporary shoreline installations. Rocks can be piled, stacked, arranged, and balanced.

     Me and my wife are not rock stackers we just wanted to do one to so we did, and besides if it gives, luck, happiness, success, health we win and if not we just enjoyed ourselves doing something different. That what it is all about experiencing new things on a regular basis no matter how different they may be. So stack a rock, or two, or three, or four, etc.

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