Friday, December 31, 2010

Goal Setting

“I am successful because I am driven by my dream instead of my circumstances. Focusing on my goals helps me overcome disappointment and enables me to accomplish what I set out to do” ~ Robert Kiyosaki
Dreams are perhaps the most powerful force in the world. They provide us the image of what we can be, and what we can accomplish in this life. No matter how dire the circumstances we find ourselves in, dreams allow us to escape the moment, and project our future self and our future surroundings. This is what I believe Robert Kiyosaki is talking about when he refers to being driven by his dream rather than his circumstances. No matter what negative forces may be occurring on any given day, a person's dream provides the force and motivation to work through the setbacks that may be occurring.

When dreams are put into quantifiable terms, they usually are described in macro terms. Some examples of these dreams include becoming a millionaire, retiring by 50, becoming a powerful member of industry, or becoming famous. These are all examples of dreams that many people have that serve as the foundation of their motivation. These dreams are why we put in the extra time, and why we skip out on many pleasures others partake in.
While these dreams may serve as our proverbial coffee each day we wake up, they provide little direction on our day-to-day activities. Our dream may be to make $10 million or retire by 50, but this macro goal will be little more than a dream if the necessary action does not accompany it. During the course of our daily, weekly, and monthly activities, smaller micro goals are needed in order to accomplish the tasks necessary to reach our dreams.
Thus, when setting goals, two sets are needed. Your large macro goals, retiring early or making money for example, require little initial thought as they are likely innate. You know what motivates you and what you want in life. If you have not set large macro goals then you should take the time to do so. Write down where you want to be in 5, 10, and 20 years, and what you want to accomplish. Take a few minutes at the start of each day to look over or think about these goals, as this will provide the passion and energy to excel every day.
After you have set your large macro goals, turn your sights toward the smaller micro goals that will allow you to succeed on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Most of your goal setting for the coming year should revolve around these micro goals. This process of goal setting can be much more tedious than macro goal setting. It is enjoyable to think about being retired on a beach one day, and far less enjoyable to think about the methodical tasks that are often required to achieve that goal. Yet, success in achieving your micro goals is often the difference between success and failure in your macro goals.
Micro goals come in many forms, and many of them revolve around the business activity that you are involved in. Real estate, the financial markets, and other entrepreneurial activities will all have various goals that you can set that will increase your chance of production and success. In setting your goals for the coming year, take an ample amount of time to identify the areas that will lead to success in your given field. Much like setting your dreams big, do not be afraid to make lofty goals in your objectives. Anyone can make one offer in real estate or put one stock on your watch list each month. Dream bigger, and require more out of yourself.
It is important to avoid goals that are too abstract. A common goal, and problem, that many people have is organization. If your goal is to become organized in the coming year, what does that entail? How can you measure that goal to see progress and success? A better way to approach this particular goal would be to identify the areas you are unorganized (i.e., an unorganized and messy desk). Then, state as a goal that you will spend X amount of time each day working toward your goal, or set a specific and achievable goal each day, such as clearing off your desk before you go to bed each night. Make the goal a quantifiable goal so you can chart your success.
Here are a few more examples of general micro goals for you to consider in the coming year. The list is far from inclusive, but should give you an idea of what areas you may want to consider in setting goals for the coming year.
Time Management – This is a common and serious problem for many. In order to maximize your time, it might be useful to set your goals in this area around blocks of time used. For example, one goal might be to set a morning routine in things you accomplish the first thirty minutes or hour of each day. This allows for a productive start to the day, and sets the right tone for the remainder. Another goal might be to set aside a certain amount of time each day (or weekend) that you devote exclusively to the area or projects you are working on.
People Skills – Communication skills and remembering names and birthdays are just a few topics in this area. Set a goal to send birthday cards to every person on your list. If your work involves dealing with people, then set aside a certain amount of time each day to work on developing your people skills. Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror—literally—during this time in order to practice the art of communication. The difference in many business deals can often hinge on what they think of your personally, so 10-15 minutes each day may be time well spent.
Knowledge – Information is power in today’s society so there is nothing wrong with acquiring more of it. Dedicate a certain amount of time each day to learning more about your business area, and the factors that will lead to success.
These are just a few of the many micro goals you could focus on in the coming year. If you spend the time to think about what you want to accomplish in the coming year, and then work each day to achieve them, your larger macro goals have a much higher chance of becoming reality.

This came from a news letter I receive from rich dad poor dad  I just wanted to share it to everyone.

Financial Market Goal Setting

I recently asked five different traders what their goals for the coming year were, and here are the responses:

• Trader One: Goal was to make $200,000 in the coming year
• Trader Two: Goal was to make $50,000 in the coming year
• Trader Three: Goal was to make $125,000 in the coming year
• Trader Four: Goal was to make $20,000 in the coming year
• Trader Five: Goal was to turn a profit in trading this year.

Each of these trader’s goals for the coming year revolved around how much money they wanted to make. This is hardly a surprising revelation as success in the financial markets is determined almost exclusively on the amount of money you make trading. The amount of money you make in the course of year can be defined as a yearly macro goal, and while there are benefits to this type of goal setting, there are certainly drawbacks as well.

The benefits to large financial macro goals relate to the accompanying article on goal setting. Making money for the financial markets trader is the dream that provides the motivation to do the necessary work each day. Few people would spend the countless hours of research and methodically following a trading plan if it weren’t for the goal of acquiring money. This dream in a real way provides the fuel necessary to do the required work.

However, perhaps unlike any other field of investing, macro goals in financial market trading have their drawbacks. Let’s say a trader has the goal of making $120,000 this year, or $10,000 a month. Because traders are numerically inclined, they usually know where they sit in relation to their financial goals. If they fall behind in their goal projections, there can be an inclination to try and catch up. If the year or month starts slow, there may be the temptation to enter trades that do not fit their trading rules, and that is when a trader enters a gambler’s mindset. Anyone that has ever sat at a blackjack table knows the feeling of trying to get back to even, or saying that they will leave when they are $100 ahead. The mindset traders have is very similar to this when they chase monetary goals. This can easily avoided if the trader applies the proper discipline, and follows the trading rules that he or she has set up.
Along this line of thought, when setting your micro goals for the coming year, absolutely do not quantify the amount of money you want to make each day. It is far too common for traders to say they want to make $100, $300, $500 a day. This is perhaps the worst type of goal you can set for the coming year. Macro goals can serve as motivation, but quantifying daily micro goals can too easily put you in a dangerous gamblers mindset.
Instead of monetarily quantifying your financial market micro goals, focus on areas that can productively help you in achieving your larger macro goals. Here are a couple of micro goals you can set for the coming year:

Discipline. If you don’t have it, acquiring it should be the top goal you set for the coming year. Simply setting a goal of acquiring discipline is far too abstract to be useful, so break it down into a couple of areas. First, if you have not written down your trading rules, do so. If nothing else, this will serve as a valuable review, and give you something to contemplate. If acquiring discipline is a priority, then make a goal of reviewing your trading rules on a daily basis. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes before each trading session to review the rules that you have set for yourself. This will be time well spent.

Keep a Trading Journal. Set, as a goal, to develop a trading journal that will track all trades you enter. Write down not only the parameters that went into make the trade (entry price, exit price, etc.), but also a quick note on your thoughts about the trade before you enter it. This can be valuable information later on.

Expand Your Trading Network. Too often, traders sit isolated from the world in their virtual world of numbers. Finding other traders can be a valuable source of information and someone to talk shop with. A simple goal could be to add five people to your network this year.

Review Each Losing Trade. A goal for the coming year could be to set up a methodical process for reviewing any losing trades you make. Set aside time each day or week to review your losers to see if all rules were followed, and if there was anything that you might have missed that you can learn from.
These are a few micro goals that you can set as a trader for the coming year. Traders come in all degrees of desire, but making money is the ultimate goal. Don’t forget about the process of making money, and don’t set goals that can lead to the gambler’s mindset. Structure your trading, and success is far more likely. My personal macro goal for the coming year is to not make a single trade that does not follow the rules I have set. I am pretty sure if I accomplish that goal, then the monetary goals will follow.

This came from a news letter I receive from rich dad poor dad I just wanted to share it to everyone.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

25 MLM Master Tips

1. Be coachable. MLM is a business of duplication. Those who've already been successful will share their secrets to success, and all you need to do is listen and then do what they tell you. Unfortunately, I wasn't very coachable in the beginning. I was successful in traditional business and figured I could do the same things and be successful in network marketing. Boy, was I wrong! Because I didn't listen to my upline leaders, I didn't make any money at first. Successful MLMers have been there, done that--and have the paycheck to prove it--so be coachable, and duplicate their success.
2. Develop your dreams, goals and objectives. Studies have shown that very few people have written dreams and goals, yet those who do achieve high levels of success. Identify your dreams first. As yourself, if time and money weren't inhibitors, what would your life look like? Describe your dream house in great detail. Likewise, get a mental image of your dream cars, vacations, wardrobe, lifestyle and so on.
From those dreams, develop your goals. A dream is the big picture, and goals are the steps that will get you to your dreams. For example, let's say your dream car is a Mercedes SL65 with a cost of $225,000 and a monthly payment of around $3,800. What are the steps you need to take to achieve that dream? An increase in your income might be necessary, so your goal would be to increase your monthly income to, let's say, $10,000.
Next, you break your goals down into bite-size objectives (in our example above, this would be the things necessary to increase your monthly income to $10,000). Each day, you should review your dreams, goals and objectives in order to determine your daily activities.
3. Work. Network marketing has probably produced more millionaires than any other industry, and although each of those people built their businesses with different companies and using different methods, they all did one thing--work. MLM isn't a get-rich-quick scheme; you'll only get rich through hard work.
One of the main differences I see in those who fail vs. those who succeed is their level of work. Most people who've failed treated their MLM businesses like a hobby, working whenever they had some spare time. The top income earners, on the other hand, work at their businesses every day.
Let's say that after a thorough evaluation of your schedule, you can only devote 10 hours a week to your business
. Take a daily planner and block out those available time slots. Remember, work isn't filing, checking e-mail or surfing the web. Work in MLM is prospecting, presenting, following up, registering new associates, training and support.
In the beginning, you should spend 90 percent of your time on prospecting, presenting, following up and signing up new people. As your network builds, you can devote more time to training and support. But never, ever stop prospecting, or your business will die.
4. Be consistently persistent. Most network marketers give up too early. They expect to make $10,000 their first month, and when they don't, they quit. But it takes time to build an MLM business. You're going to have to contact a lot of people, give many presentations and endure a great deal of rejection. However, it's the person who is consistently persistent who will succeed.
If you're duplicating a successful system, the only thing separating you from success is time. When things are looking dark, keep going. Make one more call. Talk with one more person. Follow up one more time. If you're with the right company, you should never give up because you'll eventually be successful.
5. Make a million friends. The advice that made the biggest impact on my success in network marketing was to go out with the idea of making a million friends instead of a million dollars. You can only be successful in network marketing if you help others become successful. So go out and find some new friends who you can help become successful in your business. Forget about your wants and needs, and serve these friends instead. This concept is called "servant leadership"--you lead by serving those you lead. The more friends you make and serve, the greater your success in network marketing.
These five principles of success are just the start. I'm sure that your sponsor and up-line leaders have their own list, so make sure you ask them how they became successful. And finally, realize this: It's one thing to have this knowledge--and a whole different thing to actually do what you've learned. So be a doer, and watch your business and income skyrocket.

25 Ways to Save Money in Your Home-Based Business

One of the major benefits of having a home based business is the low overhead, but that doesn't mean you don't need to be as cost-conscious as any other business owner. After all, money saved goes right to the bottom line in the form of increased profits. Here are 25 ways you can pinch pennies--and even dollars--in your home based business.

Buying and Spending Smart

1. Buy used furniture. Used office furniture can be purchased for a fraction of its cost new. Check newspaper ads, bankruptcy sales and even new furniture dealers who frequently have trade-ins or repossessions they're willing to sell at deep discounts. Another great place to shop for used furniture and equipment is the surplus office at a nearby college or university. If the school doesn't have a surplus office listed, call the main information number to find out which department handles disposing of used items.
2. Pool your purchasing power. Find other small-business owners--not necessarily home based--and team up to buy supplies in bulk. You'll save money on the cost of the materials, as well as the shipping. "I get together with an accountant friend and a computer specialist, and we order basic items like paper in large quantities, usually five or more cases at a time," says Lyn Richards, owner of Dog Logic , a resource center for large- and giant-breed dog owners and breeders in Manchester, New Hampshire. "We get a lower price per ream, and the shipping ends up being free because we buy so much."
Don't limit group-buying partners to noncompeting companies: "Coopetition" (cooperation among competitors) is one of the hot trends in business today. Consider group purchasing with businesses that offer the same or similar services as you but that perhaps target a slightly different market or geographic area. Be sure all agreements are clearly spelled out in writing. Clarify upfront who will actually make the purchase, how the goods will be delivered, when the others will reimburse the purchaser, and how any problems with quality or service are to be handled.
3. Save on shipping by taking it with you. If you're near your suppliers, pick up your order yourself--or perhaps have a friend or family member do it for you, suggests Sarah Williams Steinman, president of Casco Bay Herb Co., an herbal soap manufacturer in Cumberland, Maine. For example, Steinman's husband travels throughout the Northeast. "He keeps me updated as to when he might be near one of my suppliers," she says. "He often travels through the town where my olive oil supplier is, and he'll pick up a few hundred pounds of oil on his way home. That saves me about $75 in shipping."
Caution: Pick up supplies yourself only when it truly saves you money. If it's taking you away from a revenue-producing activity, you're not really saving.
4. Buy wholesale and ask for commercial discounts. Join warehouse buying clubs and never pay retail price to any supplier without first asking for the wholesale rate.
5. Negotiate discounts for long-term buying commitments. If you regularly use a particular item but can't buy in bulk because you lack storage space, ask your supplier for a bulk rate as long as you commit to purchasing a certain quantity over a specified period of time.
6. Buy at trade shows. Many exhibitors offer show discounts or will discount their booth samples to avoid having to ship them back to their warehouse. "Sometimes I can buy samples for a discount at a wholesale show and take them with me, which saves on both the product and the freight," Steinman says. Attend the shows in a vehicle large enough to transport whatever you might purchase.
7. Barter and trade. Find businesses that offer products and services you use and offer to trade. Be sure you're very specific on the details and agree on the respective value of what you're trading. The value of bartered goods and services may be taxable; check with your accountant. As an option, consider joining a barter exchange, which is an organization that facilitates bartering among its members. A list of exchanges can be found on the International Reciprocal Trade Association Web site .
8. Shop for insurance annually. Don't just automatically renew your business, health, automobile or other insurance. Ask your agent to review your coverage, do a risk assessment and make suggestions on how you might be able to save money. Insurance companies are always introducing new products, especially for the home based business market, and what was the best deal for you last year may be topped by something else this year.
9. Ask for a better price. When you're shopping for any type of goods or services, always ask for a better price. The worst that can happen is the supplier will say no--but they might say yes.
10. Don't pay bills until you have to. Protect your credit rating by paying on time, but never pay early (unless you're getting a discount for doing so). Let that money sit in your account earning interest as long as possible.
11. Pay bills online. At the very least, you'll save time and postage. In addition, many companies offer discounts to customers who pay online.
12. Ask your suppliers for cash and early-payment discounts. Make payment terms a part of your price negotiation; many suppliers routinely offer discounts for cash or fast payment.
13. Buy and use energy-efficient products. Look for the Energy Star label; it was created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy to help reduce unnecessary energy use and air pollution by labeling energy-efficient, cost-saving products for homes and offices.
14. Request an energy audit and off-peak usage discount from your utility company. The energy audit is free, and they'll give you plenty of tips to conserve energy and reduce your power bill. For the discount, get a printout of your energy consumption. "Ask for a discount when your peak usage coincides with their low-point usage," Lyn Richards says. "Many power companies will give a 2½-cent-per-kilowatt-hour discount when you do this."
15. Review your telecommunications rates twice a year. Telephone companies (local, long distance and cellular) are always introducing new rate plans, so make sure you're getting the best one for your particular usage. Ask your current company to review your account and let you know if you're getting their best deal. Then contact two or three other companies and ask them for a bid based on your calling patterns.
16. Operate your vehicle efficiently. Combine trips and avoid unnecessary travel. Maintain your vehicle for maximum gas mileage, which means doing things like keeping tires properly inflated, removing unnecessary weight, keeping filters clean, and getting periodic engine tune-ups.
17. Save money by avoiding losses. Protect your electronics from power surges and sags, and backup your computer system regularly. Replacing computer equipment and recovering data takes time and money, notes Tully Smith Callaway, owner of Hospitality Host, a website developer and Internet host in Winter Park, Florida. He recommends avoiding the expense and downtime by investing in a quality surge protector and an uninterruptible power supply. You should also backup your data regularly and store those files in an off-site location.
18. Install antivirus software and keep it updated. Every computer is at risk of viruses these days, Callaway says; practicing "safe computing" can save you the cost of recovering lost data and the related downtime-not to mention the damage to your customer relations if you inadvertently pass along a virus to your customers.
19. Charge back expenses to clients. Professional service providers do this all the time; it can work for just about any business. When you incur expenses that aren't a regular part of providing your product or service, figure the additional costs into your customers' bills. It's a great way to recoup costs without increasing prices.
20. Form marketing alliances. Get together with other small businesses that target the same market, and combine your marketing efforts. For example, Steinman's been invited to team with a natural body-care company to exhibit at a large national trade show this fall. "Instead of spending $2,500 for a booth showing just their line, they've selected a few complementary companies to share the booth," she says. "For $400, I'll get exposure in a show I [couldn't otherwise] afford, and they'll offset their costs." You can also team up with other small businesses on advertising and promotional efforts; all it takes is a little creativity and cooperation. As with buying groups, however, make sure you put everything in writing.
21. Promote yourself. Use sound public relations and promotion techniques to gain exposure in your community and in the media that target your prospective customers. This approach is generally more effective and much less expensive than advertising. And always capitalize on one of the cheapest and most effective marketing methods of all: word-of-mouth.
22. Don't overlook any tax deductions. In addition to being able to deduct a portion of your rent or mortgage interest and utilities as a business expense, you can also deduct a percentage of various home maintenance expenses, along with a portion of the cost of services such as house cleaning and lawn care. Check out the Internal Revenue Service's website, or check with a knowledgeable tax advisor for more information.
23. Take advantage of professional association services. Richards points out that many associations offer a wide range of benefits to members, such as group insurance and supplier discounts. Ask organizations for a list of member benefits, and be sure to watch for new benefit announcements.
24. Insist on prompt payment. Don't let your clients cost you money by keeping what they owe you in their bank accounts. Set and enforce your credit terms, and take prompt collection action when appropriate.
25. Remember that time is money. When you can save time, you're saving money. Use effective time management techniques, time-saving devices and outsourcing to make the best use of your time.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My thoughts about mankind

Well I feel that mankind will be the destruction of themselves. Only if civilization does not realize what is important. Living life like there is not tomorrow, loving your family, your wife, your kinds unconditionally. Also caring for, helping and loving they neighbor. We are all connected in some form or another and I don't mean in religion. I wont even go there I believe what I believe and I'm not going to judge you for your beliefs, so please don't judge me for mine. There is so much here to see, feel, live, and enjoy but the problem is most of us haven't figured that out and most of us never will. For me in the end of my life money and things wont be important. The important things are did I live my life. Here is a quote " Don't be afraid of dying be afraid of an un-lived life" that's what is important. Most of us get caught up in our jobs, bills, debt, credit, etc. and we loose sight of the important lings like living.

Yes I have regrets not many but mostly the one's that I didn't try to achieve. They are always there in the back of my mind haunting me and constantly reminding me. Many I'm fine with because I made a choice and my family was that choice. Pretty much If I have to destroy my family to have my goals and dreams I have a choice. The choice for me is my family an many would disagree with me however I can still achieve my goals a dreams with my family by my side. I don't believe they have to be separate them to enjoy your goals and dream, they should be apart of it.

Everyone lives in there own fish tank swimming around and when they hit the side of the glass it's a little uncomfortable so they go back to where they are familiar. The secret is we need to be uncomfortable that's what make us grow. So we must love and care for each other and protect the one's that need protection. I don't know about you but lets live our live to the fullest the best way we can in the end you can smile and look back over your life and say I had fun and I did more things than most people ever would, and I lived a life worth living. This way you can just smile because we are only here once and it goes by so so fast so live.

I look forward to your thought on this.....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

MLM The Easy Way to Make Money

Maximum Leverage is the effective and popular training programs in the MLM industry. Because there is no need to do it on your own and you don’t have to learn everything on your own. It is easy to learn the system and the process of building a strong network marketing business if you want to.
To know and understand what maximum leverage is about is to understand that it is more than just training, but it is a process by which your leverage systems that are added together interlocking that build upon each other and form a strong foundation to build your business on it.

You should learn new skills and layer them on top of each other in order to build a profitable networking marketing business and to forum your MLM system. The main aim of Maximum Leverage System is learning one technique at a time and then developing a method to automate the process as much as possible.
Different forms of lead generation are covered in the training combining article marketing, blogging and high end strategies like CPA and PPC strategies. It is everything about how to do these well and then automating the process for maximum results.

The next part is to build a strong and sustaining relationship with the audience and look for future and maximum leverage covers this entirely as this is the support of any network marketing business. Developing the relationship via video, articles, audio, emails and using multiple modes is an important concept unveiled in the course.
There are various methods to recruit in network marketing and maximum leverage goes through all pros and cons of every method and how can you choose a method of recruiting that fits your needs.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


There are so many things that could be called freedom. For instance and country that is free, freedom to choose your religion, freedom of speech, freedom from a job, freedom to do what you want on your terms, freedom of slavery, freedom of money, freedom of marriage, and man many others, freedom freedom freedom what is it to you? I would really like to know what YOU think freedom is.

Myself I live in the U.S. and I love it but it seems that more and more freedoms are constantly being taken away, however there are still a lot of freedoms. the freedom that I'm currently working on is freedom from slavery. Meaning my job is my master and I want to break away and never return to it again. Slavery hasn't ended it just changed the face of the master. Now I don't mean not work and be nothing to society at all. I just don't want to work at a job any more, it makes me sick just thinking about it. I love what I do, not because of what I do anymore. The root of the reason why I like what I do is I like to help people that's why my job is a Fireman / Fire Inspector.

Doing this for me is all about the helping of others but the job is the same the people are the same at every job. You have the helpers, the suck ups, the over achievers, the jerks, the back stabbers, the status people, and other types at every job on the planet. The problem is we are all stuck in the rut so to say, though I am digging myself out slowly I started a MLM business in travel. The reason I did it is basically I didn't have the thousands of dollars to start a business and I didn't know where to start. I never went to collage for a business degree. So what does someone like me do? That's why I started with MLM I get training for one and there is a very low start up fee. The question is which MLM do you do because there are so many out there and that's very confusing.

I chose travel because my family likes to travel and have fun, so it fits myself and my family. So that's the 1st thing I think anyone should do is find what they like and then do it. I looked and the Candle Business, Telecommunications, Amway, 5Linxs, Primerica Financial Services, Noni Juice, World Leadership Group, Vitamins, Coffee, Pre-Paid Legal Services, and Worldventures. I chose Worldventures because it's only been around for 5 years and its a ground floor opportunity and its in 14 different country's and theirs not a lot of people doing it in the world. Besides who doesn't like to travel at wholesale instead of retail. I'm not here to promote Worldventures that's just what I chose and it's been a long time since I saw a light at the end of a dark tunnel. So I started to dig my way out slowly from the prison I'm in although the chain is still around my neck and I haven't broken free yet. In time it will break free and leave the job forever I just have to grow and most of all don't quit that is the main secret in MLM. Just in case no one ever told you that.

Those are some of my thoughts, so what is freedom to you or have you been in prison so long by your master that freedom is a blur. I look forward to your comments....