Saturday, December 11, 2010

My thoughts about mankind

Well I feel that mankind will be the destruction of themselves. Only if civilization does not realize what is important. Living life like there is not tomorrow, loving your family, your wife, your kinds unconditionally. Also caring for, helping and loving they neighbor. We are all connected in some form or another and I don't mean in religion. I wont even go there I believe what I believe and I'm not going to judge you for your beliefs, so please don't judge me for mine. There is so much here to see, feel, live, and enjoy but the problem is most of us haven't figured that out and most of us never will. For me in the end of my life money and things wont be important. The important things are did I live my life. Here is a quote " Don't be afraid of dying be afraid of an un-lived life" that's what is important. Most of us get caught up in our jobs, bills, debt, credit, etc. and we loose sight of the important lings like living.

Yes I have regrets not many but mostly the one's that I didn't try to achieve. They are always there in the back of my mind haunting me and constantly reminding me. Many I'm fine with because I made a choice and my family was that choice. Pretty much If I have to destroy my family to have my goals and dreams I have a choice. The choice for me is my family an many would disagree with me however I can still achieve my goals a dreams with my family by my side. I don't believe they have to be separate them to enjoy your goals and dream, they should be apart of it.

Everyone lives in there own fish tank swimming around and when they hit the side of the glass it's a little uncomfortable so they go back to where they are familiar. The secret is we need to be uncomfortable that's what make us grow. So we must love and care for each other and protect the one's that need protection. I don't know about you but lets live our live to the fullest the best way we can in the end you can smile and look back over your life and say I had fun and I did more things than most people ever would, and I lived a life worth living. This way you can just smile because we are only here once and it goes by so so fast so live.

I look forward to your thought on this.....

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